Hi there! I am Tori, and I help explain the science behind spiritual and mindful practices to empower you to create meaningful change in your life. You can call me the overeducated hippie ;)

Welcome to the party!

It all begins with an awareness of where you are, and where you want to be. Through the use of tools like, tarot, oracle cards, crystals, animal friends, behavior modification schedules, and of course intuition together we can create a roadmap to your goals and highest good!

I’m ready!


  • Tarot Readings

    Have a questions about career, relationships, private behaviors? Just know you need some guidance and not sure where to start? A tarot reading is just the experience to help you hurdle over your obstacle.

  • A Therapeutic Equine Experience

    Come out to the farm and experience the benefits of engaging energetically with equine allies.

  • Reiki Attunement

    Life experiences can wreck havoc on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. This ancient healing modality helps to bring all these centers into alignment to assist your greatest potential


  • Intentional Jewlery

    Amulets, rings, braclets, and more! New collection drops every month!

  • Crystal Kits

    Custom curated crystal kits for anxiety, money prosperity, sleep aids, and more!

  • Online Offerings

    Just want to dip your toe in? Start here! Simple easy to read breakdowns on complex subjects such as manifestation, bio-psychology and more!

What past friends are saying…